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  • field practices
  • field seminar
  • fieldwork


  • What tom wants is to do his field work
  • What tom wants is to do his field work
  • A preliminary study on reformation of the current model and content of physical geography field practice in lushan aera
  • The geographical field exercitation is an important part of the geographical teaching process in universities
  • Teachers and students as well as parent - teacher associations can make use of these trails to formulate outdoor activities . the literary and historical entries in the archives are useful for general studies
  • We apply various methods including lectures , tutorials , practicals , web - based teaching and learning , field study , and student - based independent research in our teaching . the objective is to cultivate independent learning , critical thinking , data collection and analysis , and the ability to solve complex problems related to the environment , resources , and urban and regional development
  • The reason lies in the fact that the ibdp teaching process comprises a system of " teaching - results - assessment - teaching " , which best elaborates the effect of this perfect assessment , which , by working constantly , guides the teaching effectively . this brand new system makes the teaching method and style quite different from the domestic teaching which is characterized as instilling . the integration of students - oriented open teaching method and its specific field trip fosters the students ' creative ability , infonnation collecting and processing ability , as well as the ability to cooperate , to explore , and to practise , effective geography techniques , and the double character of science and human and it greatly enhances teaching effect
    本文作者对ibdp (国际文凭大学预科)地理学科的评估方式进行了深入研究,发现ibdp地理学科和国内普通高中地理学科的教学目标是相拟的,但体现在学生身上的能力却大大不同,其原因在于ibdp地理学科通过教学过程? ?教学结果? ?评估方式? ? ?教学过程这样的一个循环体系,充分发挥了其完善的评估方式的作用,通过不断地进行形成性评价,对教学过程进行了有效的指导,从而使得ibdp的课堂教学方法和模式和国内普通高中主要是灌输知识有着显著不同,其以学生为主体的开放式教学思路和特有的野外实习活动交互回应,使整个教学过程向着有利于培养学生创新能力、信息搜集和处理能力、合作能力、有效的地理技能、自主学习能力、交流和合作能力、探究能力、实践能力以及科学和人文双重品质的方向发展,取得了良好的教学效果。
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