System security - security password retry count exceeded 系统安全性超出安全性密码重试次数。
Context menu added to the detail window 增加不限制重试次数
Specify the number of times the task attempts to make a connection 重试次数指定任务尝试连接的次数。
System security - ibm security password retry count exceeded 系统安全性-超出ibm安全性密码重试次数。
Set the time - out , number of retries , and the amount of data to copy at a time 指定超时值、重试次数和可以一次复制的数据量。
Box , enter the number of times from 0 through 9999 that the job step should be repeated before it is considered to have failed “重试次数”框中输入介于0到9999之间的次数,应将作业步骤重复该次数,然后才能认为其失败。
Finally , you can now configure the connection cache time - out and the number of method retries , which can improve the performance of network load - balanced remote clusters 最后,现在您可以配置连接缓存超时和方法重试次数,这可以提高网络负载平衡远程群集的性能。
Furthermore , the presentation and functions of detector set for intrusion detection are investigated , such as size and generation retries of detector set . in addition , the effects of non - complete training sets and multiple representations on the model are also discussed 论文深入分析了入侵检测问题检测器集的表示与特性,包括检测器集的规模与生成重试次数等,以及非完备训练集与多重表示法对模型的影响。