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  • no bird
  • repeat a shot


  • A total of 10 heavy - ball opportunities oh operations guide : mouse control , using the mouse to control the direction of serving the location
  • Introduction : football has never been a mans patents , has never been free of the patent , the same lovely mm may become outstanding shooter , but after scoring spectacular will be the true image playback oh entered the game , there will be efforts , the left - light said , right said heavy firing , i remember with moderate road shooting , otherwise
  • Football has never been a mans patents , has never been free of the patent , the same lovely mm may become outstanding shooter , but after scoring spectacular will be the true image playback oh entered the game , there will be efforts , the left - light said , right said heavy firing , i remember with moderate road shooting , otherwise


  • 重射的俄语:высоко ценить искусство стрельбы (из лука)
  • 重射什么意思:谓下重的赌注。    ▶ 《史记‧孙子吴起列传》: “ 忌 数与 齐 诸公子驰逐重射……于是 孙子 谓 田忌 曰: ‘君弟重射, 臣能令君胜。 ’ 田忌 信然之, 与王及诸公子逐射千金。”    ▶ 张守节 正义: “随逐而射赌千金。”
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