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  • gravitational equilibrium
  • gravity balance


  • In the light of the problems of the air balance system of model lcj1250 chain drive pumping unit , it is proposed to change the air balance with counterweight balance , and three criteria for the modification is put forward : ( 1 ) ensuring the reliability of the unit with smooth operation , low noise and long life ; ( 2 ) cutting down the production cost and using less component parts as possible ; ( 3 ) carrying out modification without such main technical parameters as stroke , pumping speed and maximum polished rod load
  • Abstract : in the light of the problems of the air balance system of model lcj1250 chain drive pumping unit , it is proposed to change the air balance with counterweight balance , and three criteria for the modification is put forward : ( 1 ) ensuring the reliability of the unit with smooth operation , low noise and long life ; ( 2 ) cutting down the production cost and using less component parts as possible ; ( 3 ) carrying out modification without such main technical parameters as stroke , pumping speed and maximum polished rod load


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