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音标:[ lǐxiàng ]  发音:  


  • lanel; alley


  • If ever he does . smelling the tail end of ports
  • 1526 glenbury lane
  • Regular street washing services are required for pavements , service lanes , hawker concentrated areas , refuse collection points and black spots
  • Regular washing services are required to keep pavements , service lanes , hawker concentrated areas , refuse collection points and black spots clean
  • Regular washing services are required to keep pavements , service lanes , hawker concentrated areas , refuse collection points and black spots clean
  • It is the process of defining ( i . e . measuring , recording and marking ) boundaries of land parcels for the alienation of government land to private owners and non - government bodies , the allocation of land to various government departments , the designation of special areas such as the country parks , road and lane limits
    土地界线测量是厘定(即量度、记录及标记)地块界线的工作。政府将土地转让给私人或非政府机构,或分配给各部门使用,或指定作特别用途(例如郊野公园) ,或须界定道路及里巷的范围时,测量处便会进行厘定地块界线的工作。
  • By the song dynasty ( 960 - 1279 ) , rather than just being simple pictures of protective spirits and gods , the content of the new year print began to show local customs , particular locales , detailed portraits of local life . new year prints showing " slices of life " became the most common type of picture made and sold
  • By the song dynasty 960 - 1279 , rather than just being simple pictures of protective spirits and gods , the content of the new year print began to show local customs , particular locales , detailed portraits of local life . new year prints showing " slices of life " became the most common type of picture made and sold


  • 里巷的泰文
  • 里巷的日语:〈書〉小路.町内.裏町.
  • 里巷的韩语:[명사] 골목. 뒷골목. 항간. 他所写的多半是里巷间的琐事; 그가 쓴 것의 대부분은 골목의 자잘한 일들이다 =[【방언】 里弄lòng]
  • 里巷的俄语:pinyin:lǐxiàng 1) улица, переулок 2) обывательский
  • 里巷什么意思:lǐxiàng 小街小巷;小胡同:他所写的多半是~间的琐事。
里巷的英文翻译,里巷英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译里巷,里巷的英文意思,里巷的英文里巷 meaning in English里巷的英文里巷怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。