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  • lead a befuddled life as if drunk or in a dream; drink in a quite uninhibited manner, forgetting life and death; eat, drink and make merry and let tomorrow look after itself; fiddle while rome is burning; lead a happy-go-lucky [befuddled] life; live a gay life; live a life of dreams; live as if intoxicated or dreaming; revel away the time;sleep away one's life


  • One must not sleep or dream one's life away .
  • At a distance of decades i am staggered by our thoughtlessness in those years .
  • That magic wine was just a joke she played on me
  • I ' d rather die while i ' m living than live while i ' m dead
  • If a person lacks a beacon light ? ideal , his life will be fuddled
    如果一个人缺少一颗指路明灯? ?理想,就会醉生梦死
  • He alone lives , while other people , slaves of ceremony , let life slip past time in a kind of dream
  • Expectedly , the result is a ravishing , genre - twisting shakespearean melodrama that astounds as much as baffles
  • Mongkok , a place full of crime . different unbelivable stories happen there everyday . fu wants to find his lost wife and comes to hong kong
  • Previously , hong kong has a famous red light district called shek tong tsui . love , happiness , intoxication , romance are all elements that made up this place
  • This made yangzhou all the more important economically . during the 14 years of his rule , emperor yang of the sui dynasty built ten palaces and luxurious towers which became his retreat
  • 更多例句:  1  2


  • 醉生梦死的泰文
  • 醉生梦死的法语:jouir de la vie comme dans un rêve;vivre dans l'apathie;mener une vie sans but,sans idéal
  • 醉生梦死的日语:〈成〉酔生夢死.夢うつつに日々を暮らす.なすところなく意義のない生活を送ること.
  • 醉生梦死的韩语:【성어】 취생몽사; 아무 의미 없이, 이룬 일도 없이 한 평생을 흐리멍덩하게 보내다. =[醉死梦生]
  • 醉生梦死的俄语:pinyin:zuìshēngmèngsǐ жить как во хмелю и умереть как во сне (обр. в знач.: жить только сегодняшним днём; вести бессмысленную жизнь)
  • 醉生梦死什么意思:zuì shēng mèng sǐ 【解释】象喝醉酒和做梦那样,昏昏沉沉,糊里糊涂地过日子。 【出处】宋·朱熹《小学》卷五引程灏曰:“虽高才明智,胶于见闻,醉生梦死,不自觉也。” 【示例】一切有志者都不应该~、浑浑噩噩地虚度年华。 【拼音码】zsms 【灯谜面】坟地里睡个酒鬼;酒缸边搭床铺 【用法】联合式;作谓语、定语、状语;含贬义 【英文】the lotus-eaters
醉生梦死的英文翻译,醉生梦死英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译醉生梦死,醉生梦死的英文意思,醉生夢死的英文醉生梦死 meaning in English醉生夢死的英文醉生梦死怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。