One neighbor had paint thrown on his car 有位邻人的车被人喷了漆。
A man is called selfish , not for pursuing his own good , but for neglecting his neighbor ' s 说一个人自私自利,不只是因为他只图自己的利益,而是因为他不顾邻人的利益。
Be generous in prosperity and thankful in adversity . be worthy of the trust of thy neighbor and look upon him with a bright and friendly face 富足时需慷慨,祸患中也需感激。要值得邻人的信任,待人接物要和蔼可亲。
Be generous in prosperity and thankful in adversity . be worthy of the trust of thy neighbor , and look upon him with a bright and friendly face 富足时须慷慨,或环中也须感激,要职的邻人的信任,待人接物要和蔼、可亲。
He said the self sacrifice and charity shown here refutes ( 反驳 ) the notion that people have grown selfish and unconcerned about their neighbors 他说他们的自我牺牲和奉献精神驳斥了那种认为人们自私和不关注邻人的观念。
From byron they drew a system of ethics in which the two great commandment were to hate your neighbour and to love your neighbour ' s wife 从拜伦那里,他们引伸出一种伦理体系,其中的两条金科玉律:憎恨你的邻人,爱上邻人的老婆。
I have now heard all my neighbour s history , at different sittings , as the housekeeper could spare time from more important occupations 我现在已经听完了我的邻人的全部历史,因为这位管家可以从比较重要的工作中腾出空闲常来坐坐。
Abstract your mind from the subject at present : you are too prone to covet your neighbour s goods ; remember this neighbour s goods are mine 目前,你不要把你的心思放在这事上吧。你太贪你邻人的财产。记住,这份邻人的财产是我的。 ”
He was , and is yet most likely , the wearisomest self - righteous pharisee that ever ransacked a bible to rake the promises to himself and fling the curses on his neighbours 他过去是,现在八成还是,翻遍圣经都难找出来的,一个把恩赐都归于自己,把诅咒都丢给邻人的最讨厌的自以为是的法利赛人。