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  • genetic technic
  • "遗传"英文翻译    heredity; hereditary; inheri ...
  • "技术"英文翻译    technology; skill; technique ...
  • "遗传技术学" 英文翻译 :    genetic technology
  • "细胞遗传技术" 英文翻译 :    cell genetic technology
  • "动物细胞遗传技术" 英文翻译 :    genetic technology of zoic cell
  • "遗传技术研究公司" 英文翻译 :    genentech inc
  • "重传技术" 英文翻译 :    harq
  • "挟众宣传技术" 英文翻译 :    bandwagon technique
  • "遗传操作技术" 英文翻译 :    reverse genetics
  • "遗传工程技术" 英文翻译 :    gene engineering; genetic engineering technology
  • "遗传" 英文翻译 :    [生物学] heredity; hereditary; inheritance; inherit 交叉遗传 crisscross inheritance; 神经病遗传 neuropathic heredity; 遗传下来 hand down by heredity; 有些病是遗传的结果。 some diseases are present by heredity. 这种病遗传吗? is this disease hereditary?; 遗传变异 hereditary variation; 遗传病 hereditary disease; genopathy; syntrophus; heredopathia; 遗传工程(学) genetic engineering; 遗传密码 genetic code; 遗传免疫 inherent immunity; inherited immunity; 遗传生态学 genecology; 遗传特征 hereditary feature; heredity; 遗传信息 genetic information; genetic code; 遗传因子 gene; gen; determiner; genetic factor
  • "动物遗传资源政府间技术工作组" 英文翻译 :    intergovernmental technical working grouon animal genetic resources
  • "国际生物技术和遗传工程中心" 英文翻译 :    international centre for biotechnology and genetic engineering
  • "国际遗传工程和生物技术中心" 英文翻译 :    international centre for genetic engineering and biotechnology
  • "国际遗传工程和生物技术中心章程" 英文翻译 :    statutes of the international center for genetic engineeringand biotechnology
  • "国际植物遗传资源技术会议" 英文翻译 :    international technical conference on plant genetic resources
  • "科威特国家生物技术和遗传工程委员会" 英文翻译 :    kuwait national committee for biotechnology and genetic engineering
  • "前遗传单套型定型分析技术" 英文翻译 :    pgh
  • "用遗传工程技术作过基因重组的生物" 英文翻译 :    genetically engineered organism
  • "交传技能训练的五大模块" 英文翻译 :    five modules of skill training for consecutive interpretation
  • "关于建立国际遗传工程和生物技术中心的高" 英文翻译 :    high-level expert groumeeting on the establishment of the icgeb
  • "遗传,遗传性" 英文翻译 :    heredity
  • "遗传的遗传" 英文翻译 :    genetic inheritance
  • "遗传率,遗传力" 英文翻译 :    heritability
  • "技术" 英文翻译 :    technology; skill; technique; art; tech 科学技术 science and technology; 采用先进技术 adopt advanced techniques; 技术精良 one's art is skillful; 技术熟练 be skillful at; be proficient in; 掌握技术 master technique; 农业技术 agrotechnics; agrotechnique; farming technique; 在技术学校学习 study at a school of technology; 空间技术 space technology; 许多人把我们所处的时代称为技术时代。 many people call the age we live in the age of technology. 科学为现代技术作出了巨大贡献。 science has contributed much to modern technology.; 技术安全规程 accident prevention instruction; 技术保证 maintenance logistics; 技术报告 technical report (t.r.); 技术标准 technical norms; technical standard; 技术部门 technical section; 技术操作规程 regulations for technical operations; 技术等级 industrial grade; 技术改造 update the technology; change its technology; technical transformation; 技术革命 technological revolution; 技术革新 technological innovation; renovation of production techniques; technical improvement; 技术工人 skilled worker; 技术顾问 technical advicer [consultant]; 技术管理 technical administration; technical management; 技术 (工程)管理人员 supervisory engineering staff; 技术规范 technical regulation; technical code; technical specification; 技术监督 technical supervision; 技术鉴定 technical appraisement; technical expertise; 技术交流 technical exchange; 技术经济 technical economy; 技术经济论证 technical and economic appraisal; 技术开发 technological development; development of technology; 技术科 engineering department; 技术可行性 technical feasibility; 技术密集型产品 technology-intensive products; skilled-intensive products; 技术密集型产业 technology-intensive industry; 技术名词 technics; 技术情报 [军事] technical intelligence; technical information; 技术人员 technician; technocrat; technical personnel; 技术设备 technical plant; 技术市场 market of technologies; 技术手册 technical manual (t.m.); 技术水平 engineering level; 技术条件 technical conditions; technical provisions; engineering factors; requirement; 技术推广 technology transfer; 技术委员会 technical commission; technical committee; technical panel; 技术优势 technological superiority; 技术 (人)员 technician; technicist; technical personnel; 技术职称 title for technical personnel; 技术职务 technical position; 技术专家 technician; 技术装备 technical equipment; 技术咨询 technical advice; 技术资料 technical information; technical data; technical literature


  • - the revolutionary science of biogenetics ,
  • The revolutionary science of biogenetics ,
  • The revolutionary science of biogenetics
  • It would also be much faster than the years it takes to grow hybrids
  • How genetic techniques are being used to aid the development of a salmonella vaccine
  • Instead , they aim to improve rice yields by 50 % using modern genetic techniques
    然而,他们目标是运用现代遗传技术使水稻增产50 %
  • The use of genetic technology to determine the function of newly discovered genes by determining their role in one or more model organisms
  • 2 recently psychologists have found only about two percent of adults use their creativity , compared with ten percent of seven - year - old children
  • The gene is selectively inactivated or " knocked out " using a variety of genetic techniques , and the effect of its selective deletion on that organism is determined
  • One example is maternal inheritance technology , in which modified genes pass down to only the seeds ( the maternal line ) , not to the pollen ( the paternal side )
    方法之一是利用母性遗传技术:经过修饰的基因只会传给种子(母系) ,而不会传给花粉(父系) ;这项技术已经在菸草、马铃薯及番茄等植物上进行了测试。
  • 更多例句:  1  2
遗传技术的英文翻译,遗传技术英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译遗传技术,遗传技术的英文意思,遺傳技術的英文遗传技术 meaning in English遺傳技術的英文遗传技术怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。