The stations are little villages , with coffee shops and beggars 一个车站就是一个小村落,遍布着咖啡店和乞丐。
The ground far away from downtown vancouver is covered with apartments and houses 远离温哥华市中心的地方则遍布着公寓和房子。
Ecowater also has dealers located in canada , europe , asia and many other parts of the world 在加拿大、欧洲、亚洲以及全球的其他地方也遍布着怡口的经销商网络。
The liver is full of tubes ( biliary tubing ) that deliver the bile to one large tube ( the common bile duct ) 肝脏内遍布着胆管,胆管将胆汁运送到一个大的管道(胆总管)里。
There is a cluster of financial services companies within the square mile and in canary 伦敦“金融城”和“金丝雀码头”遍布着许许多多金融服务企业,这意味着这里是一个人才济济的地方。
Some had begun to build adjacent strips of shops , which they filled with boutiques in an attempt to re - create urban shopping districts 有的郊区已经建成了毗连的商业街,商业街上遍布着精品店,试图重建市内商业区。
Early in the history of the planet , when only sin - gle - celled life forms such as bacteria were around , there was little oxygen in the air 在行星的早期历史时期,当四处遍布着像细菌这样的单细胞生物的时候,空气中的氧含量非常低。
Numerous shoals scattered over the 200 kms course give rise to many eddies , pounding on the midstream rocks , the river roars thunderously 二百公里航道上,遍布着无数险滩。险滩上,江流汹涌,回旋激荡,水击礁石,浪花飞溅,声如雷鸣。
Special cells that line the tentacles then fire small " arrows " into the victim , paralyzing it with a poison toxic enough to freeze even a human 水母的触须上遍布着一种特殊的细胞,它可以向受害者射出“小箭” ,足以让一个人动弹不得的毒液去麻痹它。
They came to the dark bottom of the hollow , turned to the right , and after a hundred yards swerved up the foot of the long slope , where bluebells stood in the light 到了沉黑的山下,向右转走了几分钟。他们便向那向阳的,圆叶风铃草遍布着的长坡上去。