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  • adaptation disease
  • disease of adaption
  • diseases of adaptation


  • In addition to blair ' s original description for comminuted fractures and fracture dislocation of the body of the talus , it also provided a functional and durable ankle joint in various lesions of the ankles
  • One should read carefully labels on the proprietary chinese medicines or description on the prescriptions of chinese herbal medicines which contain information of the ingredients , pharmacological actions , indications , route and method of usage , dosages , preparation methods and contraindications , etc
  • This paper analyzes the factors that influence the toxicity of lateral root of aconite and it indicates that the control of the toxicity of lateral root of aconite should be studied from such different ways as control of decoction time , grasp of administration dosage , standardization of methods of drug processing , mastery of indication and reasonable dosage and application . the paper also analyzes and discusses part of its partial toxicity mechanism
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