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  • a delay in shipment


  • Therefore , it is impossible for us to ship the goods within this month as contracted , and the delay in shipment is entirely due to your failure in sending us the designs in time
  • There fore , it is impossible for us to ship the goods within this month as contracted , and the delay in shipment is entirely due to your failure in sending us the designs in time
  • If the cotton fails to be shipped as scheduled due to the seller ' s reasons , the seller shall pay the buyer a delayed delivery fee equivalent to 1 . 25 % of the value of the commodity for the delay incurred in the contracted latest shipment date from the eleventh day after the month the cotton was due to be shipped
    由于卖方原因造成不能按期装运的,则卖方应从合同规定的最晚装运日的第十一天起,按照实际延迟的天数,每月付给买方货值金额1 . 25 %的迟装费。
  • If the cotton fails to be shipped as scheduled due to the buyer ' s reasons , the buyer shall compensate the seller carrying charges equivalent to 1 . 25 % of the value of the commodity for the delay incurred in the contracted latest shipment date from the eleventh day after the month the cotton was due to be shipped
    由于买方原因造成不能按期装运的,则买方应从合同规定的最晚装运日的第十一天起,按照实际延迟的天数,每月付给卖方货值金额1 . 25 %的迟装费。


  • 迟装的韩语:[동사] 쌓는 것이 늦어지다. 迟装费; 체선료(滯船料)
迟装的英文翻译,迟装英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译迟装,迟装的英文意思,遲裝的英文迟装 meaning in English遲裝的英文迟装怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。