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  • continuous slowing down
  • "连续"英文翻译    6年未出事故. There have been no a ...
  • "减速"英文翻译    moderate; reduce the speed; ...
  • "连续减速近似法" 英文翻译 :    continuous slowing down approximation; continuous slowing-down approximation
  • "连续减光板" 英文翻译 :    continuous attenuator
  • "减速" 英文翻译 :    moderate; reduce the speed; shift down; speed reduction; delay; slow-up; slow down; decelerate; retard 减速至每小时20英里be slow down to twenty miles an hour;路很滑, 你最好减速。 the road is slippery, you'd better slow down. 汽车减速过桥。 the motorcar slowed up over the bridge.; 减速按钮 retard button; 减速板 [航空] air brake; dive flap; 减速车道 deceleration lane; 减速阀 deceleration valve; reduction valve; 减速副翼 [航空] deceleron; 减速火箭 retro-rocket; 减速剂 moderating material; moderator; 减速伞 [航空] drag parachute; deceleration parachute; brake parachute; drag chute; [航空] landing parachute; 减速箱 reducer casing; reduction box; reduction gearbox; positive speed gearbox; 减速效率 retardation efficiency; 减速运动 decelerated motion; negative acceleration motion; retarded motion; 减速装置 graduating device; reduction gear
  • "连续" 英文翻译 :    continuation; succession; series; continuity; continuing; running; continuous; successive; continue; in a row 连续作战 continuous fighting; successive battles; consecutive operations; 连续 15年丰收 reap bumper harvests of fifteen years in succession; 连续工作8小时 work eight hours at stretch; 钞票上有连续的号码。 currency notes bear serial numbers. 他在第9局连续获2分。 he scored two home runs back to back in the 9th inning. 连续 6年未出事故。 there have been no accidents for six years running.; 连续拌和机 continuous mixer; 连续爆破 series shots; continuous demolition; 连续背书 uninterrupted series of endorsement; 连续操作 continuous operation; 连续发酵 continuous fermentation; 连续发射 continuous emission; 连续犯罪 [法律] continuous offence; 连续放电 continuous discharge; 连续观测 continuous observation; 连续航次 consecutive voyages; 连续号 consecutive number; 连续轰炸 [军事] train bombing; 连续监测 continuous monitoring; 连续监视 continuous monitoring; 连续拍摄 itinerary; 连续取样 continuous sampling; serial sampling; 连续扫描 corun test; 连续调制 modulation of continuous wave;连续退火 continuous annealing; 连续信号 continuous signal; 连续信息 continuous information; 连续语句 continuous statement; continue statement; 连续运行 continuous operation; 连续运转 continuous duty; 连续轧制 continuous rolling; 连续照相机 [摄影学] sequence camera; 连续铸造 continuous casting; 连续作业 [工业] continuous operation
  • "减速剂;减速体" 英文翻译 :    moderator
  • "减速减速度" 英文翻译 :    decleration
  • "放慢,减速" 英文翻译 :    slow down; slow up
  • "减缓;减速" 英文翻译 :    slow down
  • "减速, 减退" 英文翻译 :    slow-up
  • "减速板" 英文翻译 :    brake; speed; deceleration flap; dive drag brake; dive flap; drag flap; flight brake; rigid air brake; speed boards; speed brake; speedbrake
  • "减速比" 英文翻译 :    moderating ratio; ratio of reduction; reduction factor; reduction gear ratio; reduction rate; reduction speed ratio; reduction-gear ratio; speed reducing ratio; speed reduction ratio
  • "减速波" 英文翻译 :    wave, decelerating
  • "减速场" 英文翻译 :    decelerating field; retardation field; retarding field; retardingfield
  • "减速掣" 英文翻译 :    slow-down switch
  • "减速带" 英文翻译 :    deceleration strip
  • "减速的" 英文翻译 :    moderating; moderative; retarded; slow
  • "减速顶" 英文翻译 :    retarder unit
  • "减速度" 英文翻译 :    [力学] deceleration; drag acceleration; retarded velocity
  • "减速段" 英文翻译 :    braking portion; decelerating section
  • "减速阀" 英文翻译 :    dclv deceleration valve; deceleration ales; deceleration valves; delayed action valve; reduction valve
  • "减速法" 英文翻译 :    deceleration method
  • "减速风" 英文翻译 :    antitriptic wind
  • "减速管" 英文翻译 :    attenuation nozzle
连续减速的英文翻译,连续减速英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译连续减速,连续减速的英文意思,連續減速的英文连续减速 meaning in English連續減速的英文连续减速怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。