空防司令部和空防部队《航空》杂志司令部 air defense command and command of "air" for air defense force; air defense command and command of air for air defense force; commandement de la defense aerienne et commandement "air" des forces de defense aerienne
一体化卢旺达国防部队和宪兵 integrated rwandese defence forces and gendarmerie
The art troupe is always on the move in frontier guards . 文工团常年在边防部队流动。
The frontier forces had to operate against the invaders 边防部队不得不与入侵者展开战争。
The public frontier security intelligence nets should be standardized 谈公安边防部队信息网络建设
Reflections on strengthening and improving the work styles of frontier forces 加强和改进边防部队领导作风的思考
On the problems and countermeasures of intelligence work of border - control forces in dealing with mass disturbances 边防部队处置群体性事件情报工作存在的问题及对策
To secure our border , we ' re doubling the size of the border patrol , and funding new infrastructure and technology 为了保卫边境,我们把边防部队增加了一倍,并投资建设新的基础设施和技术。
Alterac makes a second bargain with the horde . lordaeron ' s border forces are destroyed in exchange for the book of medivh 奥特兰克王国与部落达成第二个协议.洛伦丹的边防部队被奥特兰克王国摧毁,用以换取麦迪文之书