The output transformer is capacitively coupled to the anode 输出变压器电容耦合到屏级。
Type bcc audio frequency output transformers Bcc型音频输出变压器
The comments relative to an output " autoformer " also apply 使用自耦变压器做输出变压器也是可行的。
Hollow output transformer , efficiency and reliability of the entire machine 无空心输出变压器,整机效率高,可靠,比电子管式高频高25 %
Now , the auxiliary power on subway vehicles mostly takes use of bi - inverters , which have two output transformers and a huge bulk 目前,我国的地铁车辆辅助电源主要采用双重逆变器结构形式,具有两台输出变压器,体积庞大。
The purpose of this article is to describe different ways in which you can hook an output transformer and plate ( anode ) circuit together , along with the relative advantages and disadvantages of each 写这篇文章的目的是为了描述有关输出变压器和屏级电路的多种连接方式,以及它们各自的优缺点。
It is only using one high voltage cable to serve as the common one - turn primary winding for all the output transformers . in addition , the isolation voltage level for the transformers can be made very high 使用超高压绝缘的电缆线作为所有输出变压器单匝的原边绕组,电源输出之间的隔离电压可以达到相当高的等级。
The fourth advantage of this circuit is since the transformer has no high voltage dc on it , the transformer can be replaced with an " autoformer " ( a single tapped winding ) allowing the output autoformer to be further optimized 第四:由于输出变压器不需要通直流,变压器可以使用“自耦”式单一抽头绕组,从而容许进一步优化输出自耦。
Sometimes the capacitor is inserted between the anode and the transformer ( as shown in the schematic above ) , and sometimes the transformer is connected directly to the anode , and the capacitor inserted in the ground lead 有的时候耦合电容在屏级和输出变压器之间(如图原理图所示) ,有时变压器直接耦合到屏级,而电容则连接在到地端。
Inverter can be adjusted vertically and horizontally . easy to cope with the seams with different tube od inductor has quick - lift functions copyright by baoding sanfeng electrical equipment co . , ltd tel : 0312 - 5990237 5990254 5991434 5990739 构思巧妙,实用的感应器设有大功率中频输出变压器,起到了隔离作用具有升降前后调整,很方便的对正焊缝感应器抬起落下功能。