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  • palmitic acid; palmic acid; palmitin acid; hexadecylic acid
    ◇软脂酸酯 palmitate; palmin; palmitin


  • Soy bean oil and its products normally contains only 7 to 11% palmitic acid .
  • Soy bean oil and its products normally contains only 7 to 11 % palmitic acid
    豆油及豆油制品在正常情况下只含7 - 11 %的软脂酸
  • Soy bean oil and its products normally contains only 7 to 11 % palmitic acid
    豆油及豆油制品在正常情况下只含7 11的软脂酸
  • There are active correlation between protein content and the growth stage of teleogryllus derelictus gorochov during its larvae and adult peiod . there are active correlation between the content of amino acids except cystine during larvae period . there are active correlation between the content of fat , total fatty acid , palmitoleic acid , oleic acid , ve2 , vc and the activity of catalase and the total growth stage of it
    蛋白质含量在若虫和成虫期与发育阶段呈正相关,除胱氨酸外17种氨基酸含量在若虫期与发育阶段呈正相关,脂肪、脂肪酸、脂肪酸中软脂酸和油酸、 v _ ( b2 ) 、 v _ c的含量及过氧化氢酶活力与发育阶段呈正相关。


  • 软脂酸的日语:パルミチン酸.
  • 软脂酸的韩语:[명사] 팔미트산. =[棕zōng榈酸]
  • 软脂酸的俄语:pinyin:ruǎnzhīsuān хим. пальмитиновая кислота
  • 软脂酸什么意思:ruǎnzhīsuān [palmitic acid] 有机化合物,分子式C15H31COOH,白色结晶体。广泛地存在于动植物油脂中,用来制造蜡烛、肥皂、润滑油等
软脂酸的英文翻译,软脂酸英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译软脂酸,软脂酸的英文意思,軟脂酸的英文软脂酸 meaning in English軟脂酸的英文软脂酸怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。