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  • transuranium


  • The transuranic elements especially the minor actinides ( ma ) in spent fuel represent potential environmental radiotoxicity hazard in the long term
    核电站乏燃料中超铀核素,特别是其中的少数锕系核素( minoractinides ,简称ma ) ,对环境具有潜在长期放射性危害性。
  • A longer - term option could involve recycling all the transuranics ( plutonium is one example of a transuranic element ) , perhaps in a so - called fast reactor
    一种比较长远的做法是,在再次循环中使用所有的超铀元素(钸就是一种超铀元素) ,可能会用在快中子反应器里。
  • Equipment for continuous monitoring radioactivity in gaseous effluents - part 2 : specific requirements for aerosols monitors including transuranic aerosols iec 60761 - 2 : 2002 , modified ; german version en 60761 - 2 : 2004
  • With the development of nulear power industry , more and more attention has been given to the spent nulear fuel reprocessing . purex process will remain predominant in the foreseenable future . because the valence of np , one kind of transuranium elements , is easy to interchange , the route of np in purex process is difficult to be controled . a lot of work has been done on the control of neptunium way in the world
    随着核电的发展,乏燃料后处理引起了人们的广泛关注。 purex流程在乏燃料后处理中一直占有主导地位。由于超铀元素np的化学价态容易相互转变,使purex流程中np的走向不易控制而倾于分散。
  • This paper introduces the latest progress of high level radioactive waste disposal programs in the world , and discusses the key scientific issues as follows : ( 1 ) the precise prediction of the evolution of a repository site ; ( 2 ) the characteristics of deep geological environment ; ( 3 ) the behaviour of deep rock mass , groundwater and engineering material under coupled conditions ( intermediate to high temperatures , geostress , hydraulic , chemical , biological and radiation process , etc ) ; ( 4 ) the geochemical behaviour of transuranic radionuclides with low concentration and its movement with groundwater : and ( 5 ) the safety assessment of disposal system
超铀的英文翻译,超铀英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译超铀,超铀的英文意思,超鈾的英文超铀 meaning in English超鈾的英文超铀怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。