He stumbled backward against a chair and fell into it . 他趄趄趔趔倒在一把椅子上。
It was here that you took your first walks abroad, following the nursery-maid with unequal steps . 正是在这里,你小时第一次到户外行走,跟在保姆后面,脚步趑趄不稳。
Jastrow stares in a stunned way at the still audience, then stumbles toward the first row . 杰斯罗用惊呆了的神气瞪眼望着鸦雀无声的听众,然后趔趔趄趄地朝着第一排听众走过去。
He reeled along the street with glazed eyes, having just sense enough to know where he was bound, and to pursue his accustomed beat homewards . 他趔趔趄趄在街上行走,两眼发呆,什么知觉也没有,只知道朝着固定的方向,沿着走惯的路线,慢慢回家。
There he goes . an obese grey rat toddled along the side of the crypt , moving the pebbles 一只胖墩墩的灰鼠185趔趔趄趄地沿着墓穴的侧壁爬过去,一路勾动了石头子儿。
He walked jerkily into the office behind , parting the vent of his jacket , jingling his keys in his back pocket 他趔趔趄趄地走进后面的办公室,撩起背心后面的衩口,玎玲当啷地从后兜里掏出钥匙。
He was but eleven months and nine days old and , though still a tiny toddler , was just beginning to lisp his first babyish words 他才十一个月零九天。尽管刚趔趔趄趄地学步,却已开始咿呀学语了。
If you ring up . . . myles crawford strides out jerkily , a quill between his teeth . his scarlet beak blazes within the aureole of his straw hat 迈尔斯克劳福德口衔鹅毛笔,跨着大步趔趔趄趄地出现,他那通红的鼻子在草帽的光环中闪闪生辉。
A tall blackbearded figure , bent on a stick , stumping round the corner of elvery s elephant house showed them a curved hand open on his spine . - in all his pristine beauty , mr power said 一个留着黑胡须的高大身影,弯腰拄着拐棍,趔趔趄趄地绕过埃尔韦里的象记商店48拐角,只见一只张着的手巴掌弯过来放在脊梁上。
Subsequently , a driver flipped the pages of a car magazine , various taxi drivers sketched an ideal model of a luxurious taxi in which genuine leather seats , octopus system and mini screen behind the headrest are installed 接,有司机翻开汽车杂志,各司机更一同勾划出一辆理想的豪华的士,趄内设有真皮座位八达通系统,头枕后更有迷你电子萤幕。