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  • bill of resource bor
  • resource inventory
  • resource list


  • If you do not already have team suite , a link to the trial edition of team suite is in the related resources list
    如果尚未有team suite ,您可以在相关的资源清单中找到team suite试用版的连结。
  • When viewing a . resx file , you can actually see the binary form of an embedded object a picture for example when this binary information is a part of the resource manifest
    查看. resx文件时,如果嵌入对象(如图片)的二进制格式是资源清单的一部分,则可以实际看见此二进制信息。
  • When you view a . resx file , you can actually see the binary form of an embedded object a picture for example when this binary information is a part of the resource manifest
    查看. resx文件时,如果嵌入对象(如图片)的二进制格式是资源清单的一部分,则可以实际看见此二进制信息。
  • However , their current status is still far from user ' s satisfaction . lt includes : ( 1 ) the content that search engine returns is a enormous flat bill ( information overloading question ) ; ( 2 ) the items return with search engine are not the content that user requisite in deed ( low precision question ) this paper presents a fuzzy ( soft ) clustering algorithm htsc ( hyperlink - text based soft clustering ) using a mixed similarity metric of document content and inter - document hyperlinks , for clustering web search results from a search engine in order to help users find relevant web information more easily
    这主要表现为: ( 1 )搜索引擎返回的结果是一个庞大的平坦结构的资源清单(即信息负载问题) ; ( 2 )搜索结果中的信息项并非都是用户真正需要的信息资源(即低精度问题) ;论文提出了一种基于文档文本内容和文档间超链信息的混合相似度的模糊(软)聚类算法htsc 。该算法可对搜索引擎返回的结果进行模糊聚类,以方便用户从中找到真正需要的信息。
资源清单的英文翻译,资源清单英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译资源清单,资源清单的英文意思,資源清單的英文资源清单 meaning in English資源清單的英文资源清单怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。