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  • " for example , we are going to pass on the necessary knowledge to define what is a three , four and five star hotel , ” said eunice gon ? alves
    贡萨尔维斯说: “例如,我们正在告诉莫方三、四、五星级宾馆的标准” 。
  • In an interview with the newspaper jos ant nio marques gon alves said that in the next few years " the greater weight of investment will always be in angola and that is a good investment
  • Of the total forecast investment a third is earmarked for brazil which is an amount likely to increase according to marques gon alves adding that he was confident of finding oil in the areas recently conceded by the brazilian authorities
    在巴西的投资占总投资的三分之一,而且投资额“有可能会增加” ,马贵斯?贡萨尔维斯还补充说他很自信在巴西官方最近容许的地区内找到石油。
  • Eunice gon ? alves , from portuguese tourism university , escola superior de turismo de portugal , who signed the memorandum on the portuguese side , said that her institution had already been training staff from mozambique for six years and that it has helped to draw up the curricula for the university - level tourism school set up in inhambane
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