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  • Muttered la carconte when left alone ; " it is a large sum of money , but it is not a fortune .
    当卡尔贡特娘们只剩下独自一个人的时候,她自言自语地说道, “这虽是一笔数目很大的钱,但却算不上是发财。 ”
  • Exclaimed la carconte , rising and descending to the chamber with a tolerably firm step ; " what diamond are you talking about ?
    卡尔贡特娘们一面喊,一面站起身来,用一种相当坚定的步伐走下楼梯来, “你说的是什么钻石? ”
  • After his death his son - in - law , gnther schenk , followed in his footsteps in the early eighties . for the first time the company was now run by an accountant
    他去世后他的女婿贡特申科guenter schenk在上个世纪八十年代成为了他的接班
  • " speak out then , say what it was ! " gaspard ! " cried la carconte , " do as you will ; you are master - but if you take my advice you ll hold your tongue .
    卡尔贡特娘们又大声的叫道, “随你的便吧,你是一家之主,但假如你听我话,就什么也不要说。 ”
  • I am expiating a moment of selfishness , and so i always say to la carconte , when she complains , hold your tongue , woman ; it is the will of god
    我现在就是在为那一时的自私赎罪,所以每当卡尔贡特娘们抱怨的时候,我总是对她说,别说了,娘们!这是上帝的意志。 ”
  • " this is the ultimate david versus goliath battle , but here david loses , " said gunther hasinger , of the max planck institute for extraterrestrial physics in germany
    “这是大卫和歌利亚的决战,但是这次大卫输了。 ”德国马普外层空间物理学院的贡特尔?哈辛格说。
  • " this is the ultimate david versus goliath battle , but here david loses , " said gunther hasinger , of the max planck institute for extraterrestrial physics in germany
    “这是大卫和歌利亚的决战,但是这次大卫输了。 ”德国马普外层空间物理学院的贡特尔哈辛格说。
  • " remember , this is no affair of mine , " said the trembling voice of la carconte , as though through the flooring of her chamber she viewed the scene that was enacting below
    “要知道,我可并没有逼你这样做呀。 ”卡尔贡特娘们用颤巍巍的声音说道,她象是能穿透她房间的地板,看到楼下所进行的事似的。
  • La carconte muttered a few inarticulate words , then let her head again drop upon her knees , and went into a fit of ague , leaving the two speakers to resume the conversation , but remaining so as to be able to hear every word they uttered
  • La carconte then entered her chamber , the flooring of which creaked beneath her heavy , uncertain tread , as she proceeded towards her arm - chair , into which she fell as though exhausted . " well , " asked the abb , as he returned to the apartment below , " what have you made up your mind to do ?
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