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  • northumberland


  • University of northumbria at newcastle
  • John dudley , 1st duke of northumberland
  • " look at lady jane grey , " he says ; " look at gilford dudley ; look at old northumberland
    “看看珍妮格雷夫人吧”他说, “看看基尔福特杜特雷吧看看老诺森伯兰吧!
  • Archaeologists have for the first time unearthed the homes of neolithic henge builders , in a set of dwellings excavated from a northumberland quarry
  • They worked with hundreds of primary school pupils aged four to nine at 20 carefully selected schools in tyne and wear , northumberland , lancashire , gloucestershire and the west midlands
    他们精心挑选了20所英国小学(分别位于泰恩?威尔、诺森伯兰、兰开夏、格罗斯特、西米德兰等地) ,将其中4岁至9岁的几百名小学生作为研究对象。
  • This phrase , uttered in my hearing yesterday , would have only conveyed the notion that she was about to be removed to northumberland , to her own home . i should not have suspected that it meant she was dying ; but i knew instantly now
  • The northumbrian people , generally , exhibit many striking and characteristic qualities , inherited most probably from the hardy and energetic northmen who settled in such numbers along the north - eastern coasts many centuries ago
  • On northumberland and landsdowne roads his excellency acknowledged punctually salutes from rare male walkers , the salute of two small schoolboys at the garden gate of the house said to have been admired by the late queen when visiting the irish capital with her husband , the prince consort , in 1849 , and the salute of almidano artifoni s sturdy trousers swallowed by a closing door
  • Sometimes i think i am in northumberland , and that the noises i hear round me are the bubbling of a little brook which runs through deepden , near our house ; - then , when it comes to my turn to reply , i have to be awakened ; and having heard nothing of what was read for listening to the visionary brook , i have no answer ready
    我进入了一种梦境,有时我以为自己到了诺森伯兰郡,以为周围的耳语声,是我家附近流过深谷那条小溪源源的水声,于是轮到我回答时,我得从梦境中被唤醒。而因为倾听着想象中的溪流声,现实中便什么也没有听到,我也就回答不上来了。 ”


  • 诺森伯兰什么意思:[Northumberland] 英格兰北部郡。包括林迪斯凡岛(霍利岛)等几个岛屿,还有古盎格鲁-撒克逊人的诺森布里亚王国。景色多样,东部是沿海平原,西部为崎岖的切维厄特丘陵和荒原,南部泰恩河流域是工业区。为史前人类居住点,公元122年罗马人开始统治该地区,修建了哈德良长城。曾是英格兰与苏格兰之间边界纠纷的战场,直到1603年苏格兰与英格兰合并为止。适宜耕种的农田有限,工业主要生产重型机械。人口约...
诺森伯兰的英文翻译,诺森伯兰英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译诺森伯兰,诺森伯兰的英文意思,諾森伯蘭的英文诺森伯兰 meaning in English諾森伯蘭的英文诺森伯兰怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。