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  • experimental production


  • Anefficient quality assurance system has been built up according to iso9001 , which is approved by dnv . all the products are developed , tested , manufactured and inspected in comply with solas , lsa , msc . 81 and other latest international regulations
    公司建立了完善的质量保证体系,已通过挪威船级社dnv iso9001质量认证,产品严格按照solas lsa和msc . 81 70等最新的国际规范要求进行研制,试验生产和检验。
  • Through the scheme , " rubbersoil " has been invented and tried out . from april 2003 to november 2004 , a total of 4 , 600 tonnes of waste tyres , which would have been disposed of in landfills , were recovered and turned into useful materials , thereby saving the costs of transporting the tyres to landfills and the landfill space used
    通过该计划,橡胶土得以在本地试验生产和应用;从去年4月至本年11月中,有达4 , 600吨的废轮胎因此被回收切割成有应用价值的物料而不用弃置于堆填区;节省了将车胎运往堆填区的费用,并减低了堆填区被占的空间。
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