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  • falsificationism


  • Comment on bopul ' s thought of negativism
  • Popper ' s falsificationism methodology and decision - making science
  • Institutional innovation in the construction of urban communities and social works
  • Confronted with the challenge of the grue paradox , the falsifiabilists answer it both in qualitative way and the quantitative one
  • Popper ' s ideas on refutation have cast significant effects on the methodology of western economics in the twentieth century , and have triggered arguments on the methodology
  • Popper not only first named the problem of the relation between the possibility and the objectivity of cognition which is involved in bacon ' s " doctrine of four idolas " as " bacon ' s problem " , also he put forward a falsificationist resolution which was different from bacon ' s resolution
    他不仅首次将内涵于培根“假相说”中关于偏见与认识的可能性和客观性的关系问题称为“培根问题” ,而且提出了与培根的解决方法不同的证伪主义的解决方法。
  • The author holds that popper ' s falsificationism methodology has exerted an important influence on decision - making science in both the basic theory of decision - making science and the method of decision - making science by comparing falsificationism methodology with decision - making science
  • Chapter 3 states that the mainstream economics in the west also experienced the influence of mechanism and logic positivism and persisted to change from the positive principle of the logic positivism to the negative principle of the popperism , and continued the change from the negative principle of popperism to the post popperism , especially the delicate negativism principle of lakatos
  • From developmental history of economic methodology , western mainstream economics methodology can be classified into four phases : firstly , it is the phase which methodology is adopted before positivism ; secondly , it is the phase of positivism ; thirdly , it is the phase which popper ’ s falsificationism is applied ; finally , it is the phase of historism
  • In the thesis , we attempt to reveal the influence of lakatos ’ s refinement falsificationism upon economics methodology , by means of examining the application of scientific research methodology in the economics , reflecting on its achievements and limitation , in order to qeneralize the positive and negative significance of the methodology
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