角色 role; part 反面角色 negative character; 正面角色 positive character; 扮演不光彩的角色 play a contemptible role; 你扮演哪个角色? what role [part] do you play? 他总是在争论中充当调停人的角色。 he always take the role of a mediator in any dispute
After jed enabled the certifiers for the ca process , he assigned the registration ra role to one of the administrators 在jed激活了ca进程的证明之后,他把注册ra角色指定给一个管理员。
Gets or sets the accessible role of the control , which specifies the type of user interface element of the control 获取或设置控件的辅助性角色,该角色指定控件的用户界面元素的类型。 (从
For more information about specifying dimension data access for a role , see specifying attribute permissions in a dimension 有关为角色指定维度数据访问权限的详细信息,请参阅“在维度中指定属性权限” 。
For more information about specifying dimension access for a role , see granting dimension - level permissions to database roles 有关为角色指定维度访问权限的详细信息,请参阅“授予数据库角色维度级别的权限” 。
You need to assign the list role for each of the available application roles , in this case , moderators and contributors 需要为每个可用的应用程序角色指定list角色,在本例中应用程序角色为moderator和contributor 。
Section in your application s web . config file to specify authorization based on roles , users of your application must supply an authenticated user identity 节来根据角色指定授权,则应用程序的用户必须提供经过验证的用户身份。
For example , an employee application might have roles such as managers , employees , directors , and so on , where different privileges are specified for each role 例如,雇员应用程序可能具有诸如“经理” managers “雇员” employees “主管” directors等角色,并为每种角色指定了不同的特权。
For the weblog application , the relevant roles are " user " the default role common to all application users and " author " the role that designates users who are allowed to create and edit weblog entries . part 1 , " the expression language 对于weblog应用程序,相关的角色是“ user ” (所有应用程序用户常用的缺省角色)和“ author ” (该角色指定可以创建和编辑weblog项的用户) 。