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  • kadomoto
  • kakumoto
  • sumimoto
  • tsunomoto


  • Provide an assertion in your script so the desired size does not exceed the declared size
  • Also , i snoop a lot . i scan and search the & quot; internal & quot; mel scripts that activate tools , perform commands , create windows and dialogs
  • Be aware , however , that many commands you see echoed in the script editor are not actual & quot; commands & quot; but are in fact ancillary procedures implemented through mel
    要知道,然而,你在角本编辑器中看到的许多命令不是真实的“命令” ,但事实上是通过mel产生的一个副程序。
  • This company strictly according to the iso9001 - 2000 management system request , utilizes the advanced bamboo processing complete set of equipments , uses the advanced domestic and foreign productions craft , the raw material is selected from the high quality natural bamboo , through steamed and boiled in the high temperature , got rid of the sugar and the degrease , carbonized , past the high temperature and thermo - compression
    厂区一角本公司严格按照iso9001 - 2000管理体系要求,运用先进的竹加工成套设备,采用国内外先进生产工艺,选用优质天然楠竹为原料,经过高温蒸煮脱糖脱脂碳化高温热压等数十道工艺,生产防霉防蛀阻燃的“湘君”牌绿色环保型系列产品。


  • 角本什么意思:脚本。    ▶ 《红楼梦》第二三回: “﹝ 茗烟 ﹞想毕, 便走到书坊内, 把那古今小说, 并那 飞燕 、 合德 、 则天 、 玉环 的《外传》, 与那传奇角本, 买了许多, 孝敬 宝玉 。”
角本的英文翻译,角本英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译角本,角本的英文意思,角本的英文角本 meaning in English角本的英文角本怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。