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音标:[ xíyòng ]  发音:  


  • take over (sth. that has long been used in the past)


  • The japanese have taken over many european ways of life
  • In many african countries , mother ' s day has its origins in copying the british concept
  • Now , by way of having a resting - place during his excursions , avoiding the wretched cookery - which has been trying its best to poison me during the last four months , while you have manfully resisted its effects for as many years , - and obtaining a bed on which it is possible to slumber , monte cristo has furnished for himself a temporary abode where you first found him ; but , to prevent the possibility of the tuscan government taking a fancy to his enchanted palace , and thereby depriving him of the advantages naturally expected from so large an outlay of capital , he has wisely enough purchased the island , and taken its name
  • There are three places where the poems of xie lingyun be affected deeply by the " book of chu " : to develop its own preface from using their words simply to absorbing their out - words ; to learn from the cairn indicating patterns of the " book of song " and inprove it ; to learn from the " book of chu " and set up his own artistic form and style
    摘要谢灵运诗受《诗经》 、 《楚辞》的深刻影响,表现在三方面:由简单袭用二者词语到自觉吸纳熔铸其意象,独成面貌;在继承了《诗经》含蓄蕴藉表情方式基础上,又有所拓展;借鉴《楚辞》的意境创造,结合自己的创作实践,在把握山水诗艺术意境创造规律的基础上,自铸诗境。


  • 袭用的泰文
  • 袭用的法语:动 se conformer(à l'usage établi);suivre(la tradition)
  • 袭用的日语:そのまま受け継いで用いる.踏襲する. 袭用老谱 lǎopǔ /古い方法を踏襲する.
  • 袭用的韩语:[동사] 그대로 본뜨다. 습용하다. 답습하다. 袭用古方, 配制丸药; 옛날 처방을 그대로 본떠서, 환약을 만들다
  • 袭用的俄语:pinyin:xíyòng заимствовать, перенимать и применять
  • 袭用什么意思:xíyòng 沿袭地采用:~古方,配制丸药。
袭用的英文翻译,袭用英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译袭用,袭用的英文意思,襲用的英文袭用 meaning in English襲用的英文袭用怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。