He came out of his seclusion, renewed relations with his friends . 他从他那蛰居之处走出来,与朋友们重新交往。
He could never quite bring himself to leave the inhospitable and hostile world that he inhabited, that he may have hated but at least had come to terms with . 他永远舍不得离开他所蛰居的冷漠和敌意的世界,这个世界他可能也恨过,但至少已经习惯了。
They ' ve got this humongoid place in new york and she just holes up there with a wad of cash 她就蛰居在他们纽约这栋大房子里现金多的是
Having hidden in thailand for 5 years after embezzling renminbi 420 million , they were finally extradited back to the mainland 挪用公款人民币4 . 2亿蛰居泰国5年后引渡回国
She was the company s statutory representative , while he was the manager . living in hiding in thailand , the chens bought false thai identity cards 在蛰居泰国期间,陈氏夫妇成功买到泰国籍身份证,分别更名为苏他春和威帕颂。
’ the sunshine struck hot on his fur , soft breezes caressed his heated brow , and after the seclusion of the cellarage he had lived in so long the carol of happy birds fell on his dulled hearing almost like a shout 太阳晒在他的毛皮上,暖烘烘的,微风轻抚着他发热的额头,在洞穴里蛰居了那么久,听觉都变得迟钝了,连小鸟儿欢快的鸣唱,听起来都跟大声喊叫一样。
What crime was this , that lived incarnate in this sequestered mansion , and could neither be expelled nor subdued by the owner ? - what mystery , that broke out now in fire and now in blood , at the deadest hours of night 究竟是一种什么罪行,以人的化身出现,蛰居在这座与世隔绝的大厦里,房主人既无法驱赶也难以制服?究竟是什么不可思议的东西,在夜深人静之时冲将出来,弄得一会儿起火,一会儿流血?