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音标:[ xūxiàng ]  发音:  


  • [物理学] virtual image


  • The image here is spoken of as virtual just as is the familiar image generated by a plane mirror .
  • So - called choices are just illusions which have never existed
  • From this point of view , the expansion of the sino - japanese trade has also reflected a virtual image in certain degree
    从这个意义上看,中日贸易的扩张又反映了某种程度的"虚像" 。
  • Under the principle , baudrillard proposes the key concepts of simulation and simulacra by the analysis of the phenomena of modern technology
  • Unlike concave mirrors , the convex kind produces right - side - up virtual images , smaller than the original object , which cannot be projected onto a canvas
  • Simulation and simulacrum is the two basic concepts that describes and reveals the essence and the characteristics of baudrillard ' s philosophy of technology , such as the side effects and irreversibility of technology in modern society
  • The author first introduces several problems that interlaced video suffers from : the basic vertical resolution is inadequate for displaying filmlike quality , and interlaced video generates visual artifacts , including edge flicker , shimmering , and diagonal jaggedness . then the author reviews some representative de - interlacing algorithm that has been proposed
  • The parties define the right ' s nature and it ' s belonging to by public notice as well . the fundamental function of the principle of public trust lies in protecting the dynamic safety of transaction . meanwhile , the principle of public trust forces the genuine owner to eliminate the false appearance of the right actively
  • This ambiguity in turn gives the image multiple meanings . what we know and the truth are in conflict with each other . the image that develops through the photographic process is the punctum where we depart from the knowledge we gained from experience to interpret what we feel and see by means of intuition


  • 虚像的泰文
  • 虚像的法语:image virtuelle
  • 虚像的日语:虚像,假像
  • 虚像的韩语:[명사]〈물리〉 허상.
  • 虚像的俄语:pinyin:xūxiàng мнимое изображение; мираж
  • 虚像的印尼文:santir maya;
  • 虚像什么意思:xūxiàng 物体发出的光线经凹面镜、凸透镜反射或折射后,如为发散光线,它们的反向延长线相交时所形成的影像,叫做虚像。虚像不能显现在屏幕上,不能使照相底片感光。光源在主焦点以内时才能产生虚像,在放大镜、显微镜等中看到的像都是虚像。
  • 虚像とは意味虚像 きょぞう virtual image pretense
虚像的英文翻译,虚像英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译虚像,虚像的英文意思,虛像的英文虚像 meaning in English虛像的英文虚像怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。