薪水 salary; pay; wages 减少薪水 cut [slash] a salary; 增加薪水 increase a salary; 职务薪水 the salaries attached to the offices; 这一工作薪水多少? how much salary does the job pay
Is there anybody on the la municipal payroll 到底整个洛杉矶政府的薪水册上
Lana shabazz . - and put my brother on payroll 拉娜?沙巴兹-把我兄弟的名字写上薪水册
Should add him to the payroll 应该把他的名字加到我们的薪水册上
A small employee payroll program in c + + written for my programming class . don ' t expect alot of frills 一个小型的雇员薪水册程序,用c + +开发,用于我的编程类。
Growth adds layer on layer of executives , foremen , engineers , production workers , and sales specialists to the payroll 发展使薪水册上行政主管人员,领班,工程师,生产工人,销售专员的人数层层增加。
Growth adds layer on layer of executives , foremen , engineers , production workers , and sales specialists to the payroll 发展使薪水册上的经理,车间主任,工程师,生产工人和销售专职人员的人数越来越多。
Therefore , the first payroll processing in the next month may contain the needed contribution for the last monday in the previous month 这一现象的原因是因为最后一个星期一有时出现在下个月的第一个薪水册。
It is common in china for mines and factories not to issue written contracts to their workers and not to keep accurate payrolls for accounting reasons 煤矿和工厂不和他们的工人签定书面合同并且没有为了会计需要而保留正确的薪水册在中国很普遍。