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  • blue mountains
  • blue ridge


  • A gentle breeze from the blue ridge mountains carried the scent of honeysuckle .
  • To find a grove of 100ft tall trees which have survived millions of years was extraordinary
  • The dark blue ridge mountains in which i dwell , great - hipped , big - breasted , slumber on the western sky
  • The dark blue ridge mountains in which i dwell , great - hipped , big - breasted , slumber on the western sky
  • My question is , i have learned that the blue ridge of the u . s . s seventh fleet visited shanghai last month . as a former secretary of the defense department of the united states , what do you think of the communications between the chinese and the u . s . militaries
  • Membrane structure is a technical scientific and technological content of the construction of the new high technology , " blue ridge " was founded , from the introduction of foreign advanced membrane structural design concepts , software design , installation mocai processing technology incorporated abroad have decades of history of professional companies mature project management model in china who created fine film structure works for blue ridge membrane structural engineering companies with foreign professional companies work together to promote membrane structure and technology applications in china , has completed more than 50 projects , performance dozen cities throughout china
    膜结构技术是一种科技含量较高的建筑新技术, “蓝岭”成立之初,即从引进国外先进的膜结构设计理念,设计软件,膜材加工安装技术,吸收了国外具有数十年历史的专业公司的成熟工程管理模式,立志在中国打造膜结构精品工程,为此蓝岭公司与国外专业膜结构工程公司携手合作,致力于膜结构技术在中国的推广与应用,已完成五十多个项目,业绩遍布中国十几个城市。


  • 蓝岭什么意思:[Blue Ridge (Mountains)] 美国东部阿巴拉契亚山脉的一部分。从西弗吉尼亚州的哈珀斯费里附近向西南延伸,经弗吉尼亚州和北卡罗来纳州后进入佐治亚州,有时还把往北延伸到马里兰州、宾夕法尼亚州和纽约州的支脉算在内。最高峰是北卡罗来纳州的布莱克山脉;平均海拔600~1,200米。风景优美的蓝岭公路建于1936年,由国家公园事务局管理,沿山顶绵延756千米。
蓝岭的英文翻译,蓝岭英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译蓝岭,蓝岭的英文意思,藍嶺的英文蓝岭 meaning in English藍嶺的英文蓝岭怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。