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  • thibie
  • tibi


  • Uqat - universit du qu bec en abitibi - t miscamingue
  • As an infant , judy was much smaller , more gentle and definitely quieter
  • He had been suffering from heart problems , manager and publisher gerry newhouse told afp
  • He had been suffering from heart problems , manager and publisher gerry newhouse told afp
  • " we will be down as soon as we can , " said jane ; " but i dare say kitty is forwarder than either of us , for she went up stairs half an hour ago .
    吉英说: “我们马上就下去,也许吉蒂比我们两个都快,因为她上楼有半个钟头了。 ”
  • However , tibis has broadened the investigation and several mclaren employees were warned at last month ' s italian grand prix that they were under investigation
  • Aware that not everyone agrees with his view of history , tibbets asked his family to cremate him so his grave site would not be desecrated by detractors , newhouse said
  • Anyhow , inspection , medical inspection , of all eatables , seemed to him more than ever necessary which possibly accounted for the vogue of dr tibble s vi - cocoa on account of the medical analysis involved
  • But that vile decoction which has ruined so many hearths and homes had cast its shadow over her childhood days . nay , she had even witnessed in the home circle deeds of violence caused by intemperance and had seen her own father , a prey to the fumes of intoxication , forget himself completely for if there was one thing of all things that gerty knew it was the man who lifts his hand to a woman save in the way of kindness deserves to be branded as the lowest of the low
    然而那个曾经破坏过多少家庭的罪孽深重的杯中物,给她的童年也投下了阴影。岂止是这样,她甚至在家里目击到酗酒引起的暴行,看到她的亲爹撒酒疯,完全失了常态。格蒂比什么都知道得清楚的是:凡是并非为了帮助女人而对女人动手的男子,理应都被打上最卑鄙者的烙印24 。


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