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  • suffolk co


  • I was born at blunderstrone , in suffolk , in the east of england , and was given my poor father ' s name , david copperfield
    我出生在英国东部萨福克郡的布兰德斯通,并沿用了我不幸父亲之名? ?大卫-科波菲尔。
  • West suffolk was the first area in the country to test the technology for local policing . it is now being expanded to cover the whole of suffolk , and could be used across the whole country
  • Coulthard had broken into more than 500 places of worship across the country . seconds after the appeal was issued , a builder who had signed up to the service told police the 43 - year - old was near a church in santon downham
  • At prime minister ' s question time , he said there was " entirely understandable fear " in the community and said all mps would want to send their sympathy to the people of suffolk and the relatives of the victims
  • The trinity fair , at southwold , suffolk , from being an occasion of buying and selling in the high street is now an extensive pleasure and amusement fair held on the south green , and some of the more demure of the inhabitants have several times unsuccessfully endeavoured to get it abolished
  • The technology allows 200 , 000 voice , text or email messages to be sent in an hour , with members of the public receiving alerts applicable to their surrounding area . " the eyes and ears of the public are essential to help us fight crime , and police direct enables us to harness this power , " the suffolk chief superintendent , mark cordell , said
    在利用该平台向公众搜集破案信息获得成功后,萨福克郡警方一位负责人表示,来自公众的信息向来在重大案件破获中能起到至关重要的作用,而“文本式报文”信息平台在发挥大众能动性方面又提高了一个档次,毕竟“群众的眼睛是雪亮的” 。


萨福克郡的英文翻译,萨福克郡英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译萨福克郡,萨福克郡的英文意思,薩福克郡的英文萨福克郡 meaning in English薩福克郡的英文萨福克郡怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。