获得性遗传 heredity of acquired character; homotropic inheritance; inheritance of acquired characters
The composites for excellent properties can be acquired by fiber winding processing technology 摘要缠绕成型可获得性能优异的复合材料及其制品。
Nothing is free , of course : the performance gains obtained by using reverse mappings come at a price 当然,没有什么是免费的:用反向映射获得性能提高也要付出代价。
Rpc200 having outstanding performance can be got when silica fume quantity is approximately 25 % ~ 35 % of cement quantity 当硅灰掺量约为水泥掺量的25 % ~ 35 %时,可获得性能较好的rpc200 。
After dry gelation is calcined at 400 , nanometer powder with low sintering temperature and great performance can be successfully prepared 将干凝胶在400预烧就可以获得性能优良的纳米粉。
Upgrading to the latest available version of notes supported by your domino server will generally give improved performance 升级到您的domino服务器支持的最新可用notes版本通常会获得性能的提高。
There might be performance optimization available if the implementer understands when all the arguments will be retrieved 可以达到相同的功能) ,但如果实施者理解何时检索所有参数,则可能获得性能优化。
Existing odbc applications ported to sql server 2005 automatically acquire the performance gains without having to be rewritten 连接到sql server 2005的现有odbc应用程序无需重写就可以自动获得性能上的改进。
These basic researches were of guidance for optimizing processing techniques , by which ceramic materials with perfect properties might be obtained 这些基础的研究工作对优化与稳定制备工艺,获得性能优良的陶瓷材料有着现实的指导意义。
You can also get detailed views of the performance of children or parent routines , enabling you to dissect performance in an almost unlimited number of ways 你还可以获得性能分析视图的上下级细节信息,甚至分解成无限个小环节来分析其性能。
To obtain the good composite coating , the effects of nanoparticles on improving the bath quality of electro - brush plating are discussed from the nature of nanoparticles 摘要为获得性能优异的复合镀层,从纳米粒子的性质出发,探讨了纳米粒子对电刷镀镀液性能的影响。