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  • Extraction technology of ursolic acid from sambucus chinensis lindl
  • Fig 3 : the director , mr c y lam , autographing for the enthusiastic visitors
  • However , this makes ellen become a bad girl and to protect her , ying follows ellen to anywhere she goes
    纯真的ellen转校后变成一名不良少女,慕英为保护女儿不惜跟踪她, ellen却不胜其烦。
  • To save his beloved daughter , ying takes all the humiliations and ellen , touched by his father ! s sacrifice , finally understands his father ! s love to her . . .
    此时ellen卷入一场毒品交易中,慕英为救爱女受尽屈辱, ellen见状大为内疚,终于明白父亲的伟大
  • With support from all members , noccca endeavors to continue fostering the appreciation and understanding of chinese language and cultural heritage among young generation
  • In order to satisfy the shareholders and interest groups in corporation management , various cotheies especially transitional economies make great efforts to seeking a proper form of corporate govemance . at present , corporatc govemance in differeflt cotheies manifests mainly in two styles , bank - oriented in japan and germany being the model and markct - oriethed in the united states and england being the typical case
  • The american and british enterprises which have adopted the external mode require the structure of control and management for company to be reformed because they suspect the effectiveness of supervising and controlling the market . the japanese and german enterprises which have adopted the internal mode are going to restructure their economical development strategy and enterprise management system because their economic development strategies and enterprise systems do not meet the impact caused by the international and domestic markets . the family mode adopted by the enterprises in the southeast asia is on the verge of collapse due to the banking crisis
英为的英文翻译,英为英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译英为,英为的英文意思,英為的英文英为 meaning in English英為的英文英为怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。