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  • bow


  • This dredger is made of steel , single deck , box - type bow stern , single engine , single rudder and aft - engined vessel
  • This boat is equipped with one bow thruster for position keeping while fire fighting , has good viewing tactical turning performance
  • The results of the analysis proved that the displacement , velocity , acceleration , bend and shearing force of ship ' s head and middle part were controlled effectively with active cable
  • In the full of research , the thesis constructed the dynamic equations of the simplified model , then programmed and computed the feedback gains using lqr method . moreover , the thesis plotted pictures of displacement , velocity , acceleration , bend and shearing force of ship ' s head and middle part in the condition of using cable and not using cable
  • Fpsu is a permanent floating unit moored on the fixed turret spm , provided with raked stem , skeg , non propeller , non rudder , non - propelled and non brackets , and the living quarters utility facility are on bow , the helideck is on top of the living quarters , the process facility is on midship production deck , the flare is on stern , the bow is moored on the yoke of spm turret . it is a newly - built tanker based floating production storage unit
  • The content of the thesis include many scientific fields , such as nautical mathematics , apparatus , ship navigate , communication , artificial intelligence , computer graphic , graphic management and so on . the function of route planning and advanced navigation in the system is based on electronic nautical chart . it bring forward the grid model in route planning , during the course of route planning , it provide ways to settle all kinds of instance ; it figures out the best head bearing of the ship with the real time transfer data from navigation apparatus to the system , accomplish the advanced navigation function in ecdis
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