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  • supergenual


  • I still can remember clearly when you would sit on my knees
  • There s a letter for you , mrs linton , i said , gently inserting it in one hand that rested on her knee
    “有你一封信,林敦夫人, ”我说,轻轻把信塞进她摆在膝上的一只手里。
  • Madame de villefort had placed herself in the shadow behind a velvet curtain , and as she constantly bent over her child , it was difficult to read the expression of her face
  • And the other day , he knows who he belongs to . he is not my dog even though hell come up and cuddle next to me and hes nice to pet , hes a lap dog and everything . but hes not my dog he is , actually hes supposed to be christinas dog but its now donnas dog
  • I try to concentrate my attention on those netting - needles , on the meshes of the purse i am forming - i wish to think only of the work i have in my hands , to see only the silver beads and silk threads that lie in my lap ; whereas , i distinctly behold his figure , and i inevitably recall the moment when i last saw it ; just after i had rendered him , what he deemed , an essential service , and he , holding my hand , and looking down on my face , surveyed me with eyes that revealed a heart full and eager to overflow ; in whose emotions i had a part
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