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  • gateh ln


  • Winifred stole down to the little dark study .
  • He had hobbled down there that morning , he said to get a smell of the salt
  • Why didn ' t you call us before now ? didn ' t want your dirty shoes on my floor
  • The height of type from foot to face , standardized at0 . 9186 inch ( 2 . 333 centimeters )
    字身高低印刷文字从字脚到字面的高度,标准为0 。 9186英寸(为2 。 333厘米)
  • Exercise by sitting on a chair of suitable height ( allowing one s feet on the ground ) and with straight back
  • From the feet , up the legs to the base centre , is a natural path for the energy that flows through you
  • Some impostor who wished to come into the town barefoot , perhaps , and so excite our sympathies , said miss chant
    “也许是某个想赤着脚到镇上去的骗子,想用这种方法引起我们的同情, ”梅茜小姐说。
  • When seated , keep your back straight and both feet flat on the ground . allowing your calves to relax , and keeping your buttocks pushed toward the back of the chair , this will preserve the natural curve in your spine
  • The $ 5 stamp shows a hopscotch grid . hopscotch is a game that requires a sound coordination of eyes , hands , and legs . just take a look at the grid that children draw and the way they play the game , you have to admire their vigour and creativity
    $ 5邮票上展示的是“跳飞机” :一种讲求“眼到” 、 “手到” 、脚到”的游戏,加上不拘一格的“停机坪” ,令人不得不佩服于小朋友的无限创意、无穷精力。
脚到的英文翻译,脚到英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译脚到,脚到的英文意思,腳到的英文脚到 meaning in English腳到的英文脚到怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。