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  • lespedeza


  • Have been recorded 7 species and 3 varieties in inner mongolia the author preliminaryly arranged the genus in the region , have 9 species , 4 varieties and 2 subspecies in which included 1 new recorded species , 1 new recorded subspecies and 2 new varieties
    内蒙古胡枝子属植物原记载为7种3变种。通过本次研究,初步整理出本区胡枝子属植物应有9种, 4变种, 1亚种,其中包括1新分布记录种、 1新分布亚种和2新变种。
  • In the present dissertation , summarized and reviewed senior ' s study of lespedeza michx . , on the basis of this , studied plants of lespedeza michx . in inner mongolia by means of polynology and cladistics taxology , discussed part of controversial species with menthod of and peroxidase isoenzyme pattern analysis
    本文在回顾和总结前人对胡枝子属lespedezamichx .植物研究的基础上,对在内蒙古分布的胡枝子属植物进行了支序分类学和孢粉学研究;还对部分有争议的种类做了过氧化物酶同工酶酶谱分析。
  • In this study fourteen wild lespedeza germplasms were collected from beijing , shanxi and heilongjiang province in 2001 and 2002 , and a nursary of these germplasms was established . genetic diversity of the lespedeza populations were studied at morphological . allozyme and rapd levels
    本研究以2001 - 2002年从北京、山西和黑龙江三个地区收集的14份野生胡枝子属植物为材料,建立种质资源圃,从形态学标记、等位酶标记和rapd标记三个方面进行了胡枝子属植物遗传多样性的研究。
  • Seventeen important morphological characters were analysed to identify and evaluate genetic diversity of morphology of the lespedeza populations . fourteen vital morphological characters were studied using basic statistics , correlation analysis , factor analysis and cluster analysis . zymograms were analysed using eighteen alleles of seven allozymes
    对14个关健形态学性状指标的平均值、方差、标准差、变异系数等基本统计分析表明,胡枝子属植物不同种间以及种内居群间在这14个重要形态学性状上的遗传差异较大,变异系数达28 . 89 122 . 36 (全生育天数除外,变异系数为4 . 72 ) 。



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