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  • femoral-sacral arch
  • "股"英文翻译    thigh; haunches
  • "骶"英文翻译    sacrum
  • "弓"英文翻译    bow
  • "股髂的" 英文翻译 :    femoroiliac
  • "股疝修复术伴腹股沟切开" 英文翻译 :    repair of femoral hernia with groin incision
  • "故" 英文翻译 :    Ⅰ名词1.(事故) event; incident; happening; accident 变故 unforeseen event; misfortune2.(原因) cause; reason 不知何故 not know why; 托故离开 make an excuse and leave; 无故缺勤 be absent without reason [cause]; 非有他故。 there's no other reason.3.(朋友; 友情) friend; acquaintance 非亲非故 neither relative nor friend; a perfect stranger; 沾亲带故 have ties of kinship or friendship4.[书面语] (特指祭祀之类的事) service of offering sacrifices5.(指旧的、过去的事物) the old 吐故纳新 exhaling the old and inhaling the new; get rid of the stale and take in the fresh6.(旧识; 老朋友) old friend 一见如故 feel like old friends at the first meeting7.(姓氏) a surname 故清远 gu qingyuanⅡ动词(死亡) die 亡故 pass away; 病故 die of illnessⅢ形容词1.(原来的; 从前的; 旧的) former; ancient; old 故址 site (of an ancient monument, etc.); 黄河故道 the old course of the huanghe river; 依然故我 be still one's same old self2.(已死的) deceased 故友 one's deceased friendⅣ副词(故意; 有意) purposely; intentionally 明知故犯 commit an offense knowingly; wilfully violate (a law or rule)Ⅴ连词(所以; 因此) so; therefore; conseqently; hence; on the countrary 途中遇事耽搁, 故未能按期到达。 i was held up on the way and so i was late. 无私故能无畏。 fearlessness stems from selflessness.; only the selfless can be fearless
  • "股疝修复术henry进路" 英文翻译 :    repair of femoral hernia by henry approach
  • "故,原因" 英文翻译 :    causes
  • "股疝修复术" 英文翻译 :    femoral hernia repair; femoral herniorrhaphy; repair of crural hernia
  • "故柏木" 英文翻译 :    koshiwagi
  • "股疝修补针" 英文翻译 :    needle for femoral hernia
  • "故兵贵胜" 英文翻译 :    in war then let your great object be victory not lengthy campaigns
  • "股疝修补术" 英文翻译 :    femoral herniorrhaphy; repair of femoral hernia
股骶弓的英文翻译,股骶弓英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译股骶弓,股骶弓的英文意思,股骶弓的英文股骶弓 meaning in English股骶弓的英文股骶弓怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。