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  • gunn


  • Be sure your gunn diode doesn ' t oscillate at audio or hf as well
  • There is a characteristic in geng ’ s book collecting , which combines the book collecting with reading
  • The system which utilizing a dunn diode emitter and unbiased schottky diode detector was compact , simple and portable
  • It also gives the motive of the ka - band vco and mixer , associated with the subject ' s requirement and the realistic conditions , according to which a proposal is confirmed that the gunn diode and the varactor are mounted in the same cavity to fulfill the vco and an antiparallel diode pair is used to fulfill the harmonic mixer . in chapter 2 , based on the basic theory of negative resistance oscillating , we analyses the gunn oscillator and it ’ s tuning character . chapter 3 introduces the theory of millimeter - wave harmonic mixer
  • Geng ’ s book collecting is mainly common and practical ; so its song edition and yuan text are less exquisite and complete than those in hai yuan ge 、 tie qin tong jian lou 、 bi song lou 、 ba qian juan lou , the most famous 4 libraries in the late qing dynasty . however , as a introductory bibliography with characteristic of distinguishing between good and bad in edition and stressing the guidance in reading wan juan jing hua lou cang shu ji , with 146 volumes and 20 , 000 words was in no way inferior comparing with the catalogues of the most famous 4 bibliophiles in the late qing dynasty
    耿氏藏书以通行实用为主,因此其宋版、元抄不能如晚清四大藏书楼海源阁、铁琴铜剑楼、 ?宋楼、八千卷楼之美备;但是其《万卷精华楼藏书记》凡一百四十六卷,二十万言,作为一部以比较版本优劣、突出读书指导为特色的解题书目,与晚清藏书四大家的藏书目录相比,却是毫不逊色的。
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