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音标:[ qínàjiào ]  发音:  


  • jain cosmology
  • jainism


  • 540 bce : india - mahavira , the founder of jainism , is born . he will die around 486
    印度? ?马哈亚维,耆那教的创始人诞生了,他于公元前486年死亡。
  • I wish him every success in his sincere endeavor in conveying the superb message of jainism to the entire humanity
  • The jaina temples are characterised by a richness of detail that can be seen in the dilwara temples in mt . abu
  • Sanskrit is an indo - european classical language of india and a liturgical language of hinduism , buddhism , and jainism
  • The jain community like other communities throughout the world celebrates many social and religious functions annually
  • Renowned for its spirituality , three of the world ' s oldest and largest religions came into being in india ? ? hinduism , buddhism , and jainism
    印度以它的宗教信仰而闻名,世界上最古老的三大宗教皆发源于此? ?印度教、佛教及耆那教
  • This short treatise on jain philosophy written purely in a missionary spirit throws ample light on the ten universal supreme virtues of jainism
  • Very often the jain scholars viz . poets and writers get their literary works initiated during the festival days and thus pay their homage to this grand festival
  • In truth , jain philosophy of non - violence , truth , renunciation , non - attachment and chastity is a panacea for this ailing humanity , which has been aspiring for eternal peace and happiness for long
  • This paper focuses on expounding main sramana thinkers and their thoughts by making full use of buddhist ( northern and southern ) and jainism records , related resources of indian and chinese scholars
    摘要本文利用佛教(汉传与南传) 、耆那教的记载并且参考印度与中国学者的相关著述对沙门思潮的代表性人物及思想进行比较详细的论述。
  • 更多例句:  1  2


  • 耆那教的泰文
  • 耆那教的法语:jaïnisme djaïnisme jaïnisme jinisme
  • 耆那教的日语:ジャイナ教
  • 耆那教的韩语:[명사]〈종교〉 지나교. 자이나(Jaina)교. [인도의 종파(宗派) 이름으로 석가모니(釋迦牟尼)와 같은 시기에 대용(大勇)이라는 사람이 일으킨 종파임. ‘耆那’란 승리자를 의미하고 일체의 세속적인 괴로움에서 해탈(解脫)한다는 뜻임]
  • 耆那教的俄语:pinyin:qínàjiào рел. джайнизм (одна из религий Индии)
  • 耆那教的阿拉伯语:الجاينية; جاينية; جينية; جَايْنِيَّة; جَيْنِيَّة;
  • 耆那教的印尼文:jainisme;
  • 耆那教什么意思:[Jainism] 公元前6世纪由筏驮摩那(大雄)创立的印度宗教。其信仰的核心是不能伤害所有的生物(即不害)。因反对吠陀教而创立,吠陀教需奉献动物牲礼给神。耆那教认为没有创世之神,但在生活各个方面有各类的小神。信徒相信他们的宗教是永恒不朽的,并认为在各个莫卡姆通过一些“胜利者”来显现,大雄就是这些胜利者的第24代。大雄过着禁欲的生活,他训诫教徒必须以严格的苦行和克己方式为手段,才能使人性完善,逃脱...


耆那教(梵语: ;泰米尔语: ;英语:Jainism),是起源于古印度的古老宗教之一,有其独立的信仰和哲学。始创人为??摩那(Vardhamana,又称大雄Mahavira)),前599年?前527年),他早于佛教的始创人释迦牟尼出生,耆那教的中心教义主要由他建立。
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