老实 honest; frank讲 speak; talk; relate; say; te ...老实 1.(诚实) honest; frank 做老实人 be an honest man; 老实说, 我不喜欢他。 to be frank, i don't like him.2.(规规矩矩) well-behaved; good 你老实点! behave yourself!3.[委婉] (不精明) simpleminded; half-witted; naive; easily taken in照事实讲 speak out according to the facts摆事实讲道理 presentthefactsandreasonthingsout老实的 honest; jannock; plumply; straightforward; veridical老实滴 honest老实泉 old faithful老实人 candide; innocence; yangpc老实说 be frank with you; be quite honest about it; honestly; to be honest; truly; truth to tell不老实的 dishonest; disingenuous不老实地 dishonestlydisingenuously; disingenuously诚实地,老实地 honestly放老实点 you behave yourself放老实点! You behave yourself!极不老实的 crooked as a corkscrew老老实实 behave oneself; play no tricks; (act) honestly and sincerely; conscientiously; in earnest 老老实实, 勤勤恳恳 be honest and industrious; (as) straight [true] as a die老老实实地 truthfully老实巴交 [方言] honest老实的,直率的 straightforward老实地说 state faithfully老实和尚 sincerely yours old monk老实交代 make a clean breast of everything; come clean; own up老实可靠 on the up-and-up [up and up]: 你可以相信他的话, 他一向老实可靠。 you can take his word for it. he has always been on the up and up老实可靠者 truepenny
Come, spit it out . 好,老实讲 吧。 Honestly, i saw your mother's viewpoint and quite sympathized with her .老实讲 ,我明白你母亲的想法,也很同情她。 To be honest , we used to spin our work out and try to kill time in the old society . 过去旧社会,我们做起事来,老实讲 ,是磨洋工。 Where are we going ? - l ' ve been meaning to talk -我们这是去哪? -老实讲 - To tell the truth , i don ' t agree to your plan老实讲 ,我不同意你的计划。 To be candid with you , your son is far from trust worthy 对你老实讲 ,你的儿子是靠不住的。 Mrs . connelly , you know , honestly , Connelly小姐,您知道,老实讲 " sir , " said villefort , " upon my word , you overcome me “阁下, ”维尔福说道, “老实讲 ,您驳倒了我。 Fa : nothing changes , to be honest老实讲 没什么变化。 But , honestly , i ' d like to hear what you employees think about this .但,老实讲 ,我很想听听各位员工对此有何意见?