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  • uscdc


  • Nine percent of all people with active tb in the united states tested positive for human immunodeficiency virus infection in 2005
    美国疾病预防控制中心的报告中说05年全美9 %的肺结核病人艾滋病检测结果呈阳性。
  • The us centers for disease control and prevention ( cdc ) , recommend all children from 6 to 59 months be vaccinated against the flu
    美国疾病预防控制中心( cdc )推荐所有6 59个月的人都应通过疫苗免疫来预防流感病毒。
  • Cdc and the u . s . public health service urge every woman who could become pregnant to get 400 micrograms ( 400 mcg ) of synthetic folic acid every day
  • But hiv infection status remained unknown in 31 percent of tb patients because they refused testing or were not offered a test , the cdc report said
    但是据美国疾病预防控制中心的报告称,近31 %的结核病病人的测试数据未知,因为他们拒绝参加测试或是无法参加测试。
  • And they result in a synergy that can be deadly , " cdc epidemiologist suzanne marks , one of the authors of the report , said in a telephone interview
  • And according to a study by the centers for disease control and prevention in atlanta , georgia , around 64 % of us citizens are overweight or obese , with obesity accounting for 400 , 000 preventable deaths in 2000 , second only to tobacco
    位于乔治亚州亚特兰大市的美国疾病预防控制中心的一项研究表明: 64的美国公民体重超标或过于肥胖; 2000年肥胖导致了400 , 000人死亡,仅次于吸烟造成的死亡人数,而这些死亡本来是可以避免的。
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