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  • network simulator


  • Thesis introduces the architecture of the grid simulator , the mechanism and process of the modeling simulation and the realization method of every module in details . it includes the modules of user and resource , resource scheduling police , grid environment , java code generation , code compilation and execution and result analyses
    文中详细介绍了pactsim网格模拟器的体系结构,建模仿真机制和仿真过程以及各个模块的实现方法,主要包括用户及资源模拟,资源调度策略模拟,网络环境模拟, java代码的生成,编译及运行,模拟结果的分析等模块。
  • Considering of the differences of task scheduling between a grid and a distributed system , this dissertation designs a real number encoded mode that mapping every task to a random resource directly by improving the encoding mode of the traditional genetic algorithm , and gives a particular design to the encoding and decoding mode . at last , this algorithm is simulated in the grid simulator . the experiment results show that the reformative genetic algorithm not only has a holistic searching ability , but also makes a fast convergent speed , which provides a preferable performance
  • Thesis analyses and uses the part of visual modeler of gridsim simulator developed by the university of melbourne for reference , designs and realizes a grid simulator pactsim mainly used to simulate resource distributing method based on calculating economic models , for that it can study the performance of the grid technology , including the number of the completed jobs , the time and cost spent
    本文分析借鉴了澳大利亚墨尔本大学开发的gridsim网格模拟器,在其中组件visualmodeler的基础上设计并实现了一个主要用来模拟基于计算经济模型的资源分配方法的网格模拟器pactsim ,以此为基础研究网格系统的性能,主要包括用户任务的完成率,完成时间和花销三方面。
网格模拟器的英文翻译,网格模拟器英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译网格模拟器,网格模拟器的英文意思,網格模擬器的英文网格模拟器 meaning in English網格模擬器的英文网格模拟器怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。