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音标:[ wǎngkāiyīmiàn ]  发音:  


  • leave one side of the net open -- to give the wrongdoer a way out; a net open on one side -- purposely give the offenders a chance to turn over a new leaf; give sb. a way out; let sb. slip through the net; put sb. on the way of escaping


  • That don ' t bode especially well for you . .
    他们也不会对你网开一面. .
  • That don ' t bode especially well for you
  • If you ' re captured , perhaps , given your condition , mercy would be extended
  • But not from you . - on our return to port royal , i granted you clemency
    -但那个人不是你. -在回罗伊尔港的路上,我已经对你网开一面
  • Michael : the company may be lenient on valentines day , but it is not worth the risk
  • Chinese population control policies made an exception to the " one child " rule that applies to the rest of china , and allows families within the ethnic mongolian minority to have two children
  • From that story came the idiom " open the net on three sides " . later , people changed it into " give the wrong - doer a way out . " , indicating to be lenient to the wrong - doers
    “网开三面”这个成语就是由此而来的。后来,人们把它改为“网开一面” ,表示宽容地对待做错事的人。
  • Morality of the age , rigid as we call it , that a license was allowed the seafaring class , not merely for their freaks on shore , but for far more desperate deeds on their proper element
  • They wished that the king of heaven could look kindly on them and , for old time s sake , give them a break from this miserable state . or at least send them a plate of heavenly - tasting dim sum to fill their empty stomachs


  • 网开一面的泰文
  • 网开一面的韩语:【성어】 그물의 한쪽을 벌려 놓다; 가볍게 처벌하다. 빠져나갈 길을 주다.
  • 网开一面的俄语:pinyin:wǎngkāiyīmiàn открыть сети с одной стороны (обр. в знач.: допускать послабление законов, относиться снисходительно)
  • 网开一面什么意思:wǎng kāi yī miàn 【解释】比喻采取宽大态度,给人一条出路。 【出处】《史记·殷本纪》:“汤出,见野张网四面,祝曰:‘自天下四方,皆入吾网。’汤曰:‘嘻,尽之矣!’乃去其三面。” 【拼音码】wkym 【用法】主谓式;作谓语、宾语;用于人 【英文】leave three sides of the net open
网开一面的英文翻译,网开一面英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译网开一面,网开一面的英文意思,網開一面的英文网开一面 meaning in English網開一面的英文网开一面怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。