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  • cylinder column


  • Sprayer and washing machine . plunger pump and pistion pump
  • Research on fixing method for main operation cylinder plunger on 12500 t water hydraulic press
  • Analysis and improvement on the plunger lever ' s slip from the oil cylinder of the bascule door ' s actuator on 100t landing craft
  • In the third chapter , the mathematical models of project system have been established , and simulation has been done on the simulink enviroment of matlab software kits . the simulation focus on the effects of main parameters on the dynamic characteristics of speed control system , and the main parameters include viscosity damp coefficient and friction torque of electrical motor shaft , internal leakage coefficient of pump / motor of hydraulic circuits , gas volume of pressure accumulator , viscosity damp coefficient of cylinder piston and different running building floors , etc . at last , theoretical research effects of the flow and pressure pulsation of pump / motor on car speed and oil volume leakage theory are discussed . the fourth chapter of this thesis concerns the research on the key items about hydraulic power control system according to the ens 1 - 2 and other hydraulic elevator standards


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