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  • dato' seri samy vellu
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  • As quaestor13 he was generous , as praetor illustrious , and in the consulship he had as colleague catilius severus
    作财务官时他是大方的( 13 ) ,作为裁判官时是著名的,后来与卡提林斯?塞维鲁同任执政官。
  • After this post he made for athens , both to pursue his studies and for religious reasons , and in order to see the public buildings and antiquities
    维鲁命令将此人惩以杖责,而他的传令官公布道: “没有哪位平民在拥抱罗马人民的副将时能够不受惩罚。 ”
  • The following summer z guided me to my current home at the brooklyn side of the verrazano bridge - an area steeped int history linked to the american revolution
  • The number of legions gradually rose to 30 and with one minor fluctuation under marcus aurelius it remained at that level until septimius severus , who raised another 3
  • 1 most men , i well know , who have enshrined in literature and history the lives of marcus and verus , have made verus known to their readers first , following the order , not of their reigns , but of their lives
  • Being forced by the senate to assume the government of the state after the death of the deified pius , marcus made his brother his colleague in the empire , giving him the name lucius aurelius verus commodus and bestowing on him the titles caesar and augustus
  • Next , he himself took the name antoninus , and just as though he were the father of lucius commodus , he gave him the name verus , adding also the name antoninus ; he also betrothed him to his daughter lucilla , 51 though legally he was his brother
    他自己使用了安东尼的名字,而且,仅仅好像出于他是卢修斯?康茂德的父亲,把维鲁斯的名字给他,也给他的名字加上安东尼;让他跟他的女儿露西拉订婚( 51 ) ,虽然在法律上他们是兄弟。
  • Xx . i recall that i have read in aelius maurus phlegon ( the author apparently made up this name to give credence to the following fictions ) , a freedman of hadrian , that when he was dying septimius severus rejoiced quite unrestrainedly because he was leaving the republic two antoninus with equal power , after the example of pius , who left the republic verus and marcus antoninus , his sons by adoption
    我想起了曾读过的哈德良皇帝的被释奴奥雷利乌斯?毛鲁斯?菲勒贡* (这位作者在此捏造此名字是为了增加下面一段虚构内容的可信度)的记载,说是塞普提米乌斯?塞维鲁死时无比欣慰? ?因为自己象先帝安东尼?皮乌斯那样,为国家留下了两个继子,卢修斯?瓦鲁斯和马尔库斯?安东尼努斯,赛维鲁为国家留下了拥有同等权利的两个安东尼努斯(指卡拉卡拉和格塔) 。
维鲁的英文翻译,维鲁英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译维鲁,维鲁的英文意思,維魯的英文维鲁 meaning in English維魯的英文维鲁怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。