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  • Volunteers who listened to vivaldi ' s " four seasons " while exercising on a treadmill did much better on a test of verbal ability than when they did without music , a team at ohio state university found
  • Volunteers who listened to vivaldi ' s " four seasons " while working out on a treadmill did much better on a test of verbal ability than when they exercised without music , a team at ohio state university found
  • Volunteers who listened to vivaldi ' s " four seasons " while working out on a treadmill did much better on a test of verbal ability than when they exercised without music , a team at ohio state university found
  • Apart from improper bowstring drawing , another chief problem of the students that affects the clarity of the music they play is unclear clauses which results in the lack of smoothness of their playing and inadaptability in hearing
  • Learning to playing vivaldi ' s concerto not only acquaints the learners with traditional musical patterns , develops their sound musical sense and improves their interpretation of the purity and beauty of classic music , but also provides them with standard playing skills , laying a solid foundation for their further playing
  • Wine endless aftertaste let people praise from wine also triggered numerous music from mozart ' s " champagne flavor , " fallia " wine smell , " vanessa " four seasons " in the fragment " with the grape harvest women happiness " , one we can bring wine gleaned masters of creative inspiration
    葡萄酒的无穷回味让人们称颂,由葡萄酒引发的音乐作品也不计其数,从莫扎特的《香槟气息》 ,法里雅的《葡萄酒的香味》 ,维瓦尔第《四季》中的片断《葡萄收获与女人们的快乐》中,我们能一窥葡萄酒带给大师们的创作灵感。
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