

  • mc maintenance center



  • 例句与用法
  • Operation maintenance center om
  • Telecom maintenance center tmc
  • Centered operation and maintenance system project for the local exchanges in beijing telecom bureau
  • Centered operation and maintenance system project for the local exchanges in datong telecom bureau , shanxi province
  • Zxw10 omc , which is developed by zte , implements the telecommunication network management of wcdma , and goes ahead on the way in the aspect of the development of tmn software for 3g interiorly
    中兴通讯股份有限公司开发的“中兴通讯统一操作与维护中心( zxw10omc ) ”系统,实现了wcdma的电信网络管理,在3g电信网络管理软件的开发上走在了国内前列。
  • In the background of cdma telecommunication network management system from zte corporation project - omc ( operation maintenance center ) , the paper focuses on design patterns and object - oriented design principles applied in the development of tmn
    在通信技术与计算机技术相互渗透的背景下,结合中兴通讯股份有限公司cdma通信网络管理系统? ?操作维护中心omc ( operationmaintenancecenter )项目,深入探讨了tmn网管系统中软件设计模式及面向对象设计思想的应用。
  • The rmdms was distributed , and could be divided into work fields and diagnosis and maintenance center , the former acquired and supplied the latest data of the complicated devices , the latter supplied all kinds of diagnosis and maintenance resources for the work fields ; the rmdms was the integration of several subsystems logically , which working in coordination to show the functions of condition monitoring , diagnosis and maintenance , resources marshalling and communication
  • Multi methods of signal analysis and fault diagnosis , such as wavelet transform , emd analysis and fault diagnosis based on neural network , are provided in the system . by message board , users can ask for help if they happen to meet some problems . they can also bring forward their opinions and suggestion about this system to make remote maintenance more and more mature
    此远程维护系统提供了多种诊断信号分析方法和多种故障诊断方法,如小波分析、 emd分析、神经网络故障诊断、 cbr专家系统等;同时,通过留言板用户还可以针对特殊疑难故障请求远程维护中心的帮助,或对本系统提出改进意见和建议。
  • The evolution and development of the mobile network bring new issues to the network optimization . and it makes network optimization involve more complex techniques and multiple fields . for all of the above reasons , it is necessary to develop a platform to analyse pilot data , geographic information system ( gis ) data and operation & maintenance center ( omc ) data synthetically
    移动网络的演进和发展为网络优化不断带来新的课题,使网络优化的工作难度更大,涉及到更多的领域,因此实现一种能够将路测数据、 gis ( geographicinformationsystem地理信息系统)数据和omc ( operationandmaintenancecenter操作维护中心)数据进行综合分析的平台,是网络优化技术发展的方向。
  • 推荐英语阅读
维护中心的英文翻译,维护中心英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译维护中心,维护中心的英文意思,維護中心的英文维护中心 meaning in English維護中心的英文维护中心怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
