统一 1.(联成整体) unify; unite; integrate 统一思想 seek unity of thinking; reach a common understanding; 统一行动 seek unity of action; coordinate actions; act in unison; 把理论同实践统一起来 integrate theory with practice; 对立的统一 the unity of opposites; 世界能统一吗? can the world be unified? 秦始皇于公元前221年统一中国。 the first emperor of qin unified china in 221 b.c.2.(一致的; 整体的) unified; unitary; centralized 统一的多民族国家 a unitary multi-national state; 统一的意见 consensus of opinion; 统一战线 united front; 统一计划 unified planning; 统一分配 unified distribution; centralized placement (of college graduates, etc.); 统一币制 unification of currency [the money system]; 统一标准 unified standard; 统一采购 centralized purchasing; 统一发票 uniform invoice; 统一法 united law; 统一惯例 uniform customs; 统一规定价格 prices on a unified basis; at standard prices; prices fixed by the state in a unified manner; prices on a uniform basis; uniform price; flat price; 统一基金 consolidated fund; 统一价格 national-uniform price; 统一考试 universal examination; 统一领导 unified leadership; centralized leadership; 统一市场 uniform market; 统一手续 flat commission; 统一书号standard book number;统一销售 unified sale; 统一性 togetherness; unitarity; 统一战线 united front; 统一战线工作 work of the united front; 统一指挥 single [central] command
Include customs harmonised codes , if known 如果知道海关统一编码,也请加入。
Uniform coding for fire protection 消防统一编码
Unform coding for fire protection 消防统一编码
With a unified coding standard , computers are capable of accurately processing and displaying electronic information in different languages 采用统一编码,电脑系统可准确地处理及显示不同语言的电子资料。
With a unified coding standard , computers are capable of accurately processing and displaying electronic information in different languages 采用统一编码,电脑系统可准确地处理及显示不同语言的电子资料。
With a unified coding standard , computers in different parts of the world can display electronic information encoded in the same coding standard 采用统一编码标准,世界各地的电脑系统能够以相同的编码显示资讯。
With a unified coding standard , computers in different parts of the world can display electronic information encoded in the same coding standard 采用统一编码标准,世界各地的电脑系统能够以相同的编码显示资讯。
Distortion of information can be reduced during electronic communication , thus facilitating the exchange of electronic information across geographical areas 统一编码令在进行电子通讯时,资料失误的情况减少,从而便利各地间的电子通讯。
Distortion of information can be reduced during electronic communication , thus facilitating the exchange of electronic information across geographical areas 统一编码令在进行电子通讯时,资料失误的情况减少,从而便利各地间的电子通讯。
In chapter 4 , the total construction and design thought of establishing apmp business platform has been introduced , which including the product ' s unified code , bargain process , bid platform , and some other techniques and services 在第四章中,介绍了汽摩配行业商务平台的总体结构和设计思路,并着重介绍其中的产品统一编码算法,交易流程,招投标平台,协同采购中心以及其他的一些技术和服务。